CPF Annual Giving Tuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday is an international day of giving that follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday. During the month of November, CPF participates in this international fundraising initiative to raise funds for our Mary Joyce Booth Fund –More French S.V.P.! This fund is dedicated solely to youth French-language learning opportunities.

Dr. Mary Joyce Booth was an FSL educator and lifelong supporter of CPF. Her passion and commitment during her career changed the lives of many young Canadians. As a teacher, Mary Joyce dedicated her career to giving young people the chance to learn and use French. At the end of her life, Mary Joyce made a generous gift to CPF. Her endowment is now known as the Mary Joyce Booth Fund – More French S.V.P! which provides an opportunity for young Canadians to learn French.

Since 2010, the fund has supported projects that directly benefit youth like summer camp registrations, exchanges, socio-cultural programming and youth scholarships.


Let's Take Action

Show your passion for French-language education with a gift to the Mary Joyce Booth Fund- More French S.V.P.! All donations in November of each year will support the cause. 

CPF is a registered charitable organization (Charity Reg. No. – 118835131 RR0001). Tax receipts for Giving Tuesday donations are mailed in January for all donations of $20 or more.

For more information about the Mary Joyce Booth Fund – More French S.V.P! please watch the video below:

Funds Raised
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