Ottawa, May 28, 2020 — Canadian Parents for French, National was thrilled with the response to a month-long youth contest to mark National Canadian Film Day, a day that celebrates Canadian cinema and engages youth in a conversation about nation, identity and what it means to be Canadian.

CPF invited students ages 8 to 17 to watch a Canadian film in French and to write a review and received hundreds of submissions which ranged from colourful opinion pieces from young students to articulate recaps from high schoolers from all across Canada.

The 11 winners of the CPF National Canadian Film Day Contest 2020 are:

  1. Shana Ganeshalingam (ON)
  2. Raneem AlJurdi (AB)
  3. Ethan Lee (ON)
  4. Olivia Avery (NL)
  5. Aiyana Barrieau (NS)
  6. Sonia Rahavaya (ON)
  7. Noah Chagnon (SK)
  8. Adelaide Guan (BC)
  9. Maya Marmouche (NL)
  10. Ashlyn Beaupre (AB)
  11. Mikayla Burey (ON)

Prizes include gift cards to Chapters/Indigo and Tim Hortons.

CPF would like to thank all students, parents and teachers for participating and supporting this activity which encouraged French second language students to practise their French viewing and writing skills outside of the classroom. To support the contest, CPF launched the Youth Activity Page, “Fais une critique de film”, designed by illustrator Marc Keelan-Bishop, a colourful template to guide students in writing their film review ‘en français’. The Activity Page will remain available by request, at

Canadian Parents for French is proud to work in collaboration with REEL Canada, a non-profit organization that brings Canadian film into classrooms, in both official languages. Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, planned movie screenings had to be cancelled. CPF instituted the movie review contest in lieu for spring 2020.

Canadian Parents for French is a nationwide, research-informed, volunteer organization that represents 25,000 members across Canada and champions the opportunity to learn and use French for all those who call Canada home.

For more information, please contact:

Marcos Salaiza, National Coordinator, Project Communications and Government Relations

Tel: 613.235.1481 x222

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