CPF National Concours

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Concours d’art oratoire 2021 – Video Edition 

Congratulations! You have made it to the Canadian Parent for French Concours d’art oratoire National Finals. We ask you to please:

  1. Fill out the registration form before May 25th.
  2. As a finalist, you have the option of uploading the same video that you used to compete in the Branch competition or to re-record your winning speech and submit that version. As a reminder, this video, just like the first, cannot be edited and should be recorded as one segment (no cuts).
  3. Provide us with a web link to access your video. The video can be hosted on any platform, it just needs to be accessible without requiring any login/and or permission. Videos may be password protected, if this is the case, please provide the password when submitting your entry.

Important Dates: 

  • Application deadline May 25, 2021
  • Judging from June 1 to June 10, 2021
  • Winners announced June 15, 2021


  • Concours d’art oratoire 2021 is a virtual event. Participants must submit a video.


Marcos Salaiza
Communications Manager
Phone: 613-235-1481 ext. 222
Email: msalaiza@cpf.ca


In order to register as a participant for the Concours d’art oratorie National Finals, you must be a member in good standing of CPF. If you or a member of your family is a current CPF member please proceed with registering for the Concours d’art oraoire. 

If you have an expired membership or have never been a member of CPF, you must RENEW OR JOIN to be eligible to participate.

Individual and family memberships grant up to two (2) voting adult members per household. Students who are participating in the Concours d’art oratoire need a parent to join CPF as an Individual or Family member.

To register, RSVP below:

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