Canadian Parents for French is pleased to announce the 13 winners of the 2024 national finals of Concours d’art oratoire and to share their winning videos with you. Concours d’art oratoire is a great opportunity for students to showcase their French-speaking abilities.

A total of 20 students from seven provinces and territories were eligible to participate in the national finals taking place virtually. First place winners from each provincial or territorial competition submitted an original video speech to compete among students from across the country in one of five categories.

We congratulate all participants on their success, and we hope to inspire others and continue to champion the benefits of learning and using their second official language throughout their life. 

Level 1: Core French

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Title: Vers l’infini et au-delà avec la technologie

Name: Dhruv Mehta
Province: British Columbia

Title: L’histoire d’une chouette sinistre

Name: Uthara Balakrishnan
Province: Ontario

Title: Le football, le jeu de la vie

Name: Syed Ashar Imam Rizvi
Province: Saskatchewan

Level 2: Core Extended/Enriched/Advanced French

1st Place

2nd Place

Title: Dieu, existe-t-il?

Name: Paschal Fontillas
Province: Ontario


Title: Quelles sont les répercussions sur la santé des joueurs de football américain?

Name: Zahin Jeena
Province: Saskatchewan


Level 3: Late French Immersion

1st Place

2nd Place

Title: Le racisme comique
Name: Cynthia Zhang
Province: Manitoba

Title: L’autisme
Name: Sophia Killawee
Province: British Columbia


Level 4: Early French Immersion

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Title: Arrête-moi si tu peux

Name:  Adrien Cheng
Province: Ontario


Title: Le guerrier de la natation (Password access: CAONational2024FI)

Name: Catherine McCurrach
Province: British Columbia


Title: Le colonialisme

Name: Idia Eronmwom
Province: Manitoba


Level 5: Francophone

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Title: Comment avons-nous été piégés par le marketing au fil du temps?
Name:  Breana Hayek
Province: British Columbia

Title: L’Afrique n’est pas pauvre

Name: Yvan Karam
Province: Nova Scotia

Title: Les examens: nuisibles ou nécessaires?
Name: Mia Bestvater
Province: Manitoba

All competitors are receiving a CPF swag gift bag and certificate of participation in the mail. Winners are receiving cash prizes from CPF and  scholarship prizes will be confirmed in coordination with our partner post-secondary institutions.

For more information about CPF Concours eligibility and category information CLICK HERE. 

Sponsored in part by: 

Association des collèges
et universités de la francophonie canadienne – ACUFC
Le bilinguisme : c’est enrichissant! / It’s rewarding to be bilingual!