CPF National Online Event- Family Kahoot Gameshow!

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WE’RE BACK with our cross-Canada Kahoot gameshows-en français!

Team up with members of your family in our interactive gameshow, with parent and child working together to answer trivia questions and solve puzzles. Whether you help your French second language learner or let them take the lead, you’ll be showing that French is more than just another class in school, it’s a fun part of your family’s day.

Reserve your team’s spot before October 22nd at noon (ET). A Zoom link will be sent to you 48 hours before the event. Only one registration per family team, please! 

Can’t join us this time? Register for our next FREE gameshows on November 14th and December 12th at 3 pm (ET).

See what others thought of CPF’s past gameshows:

  • “Lots of fun, and get to cheer on my girls on how well they know French!”
  • “Encouraged dialogue and a chance for the kids to be leaders”
  • “My 10yo son takes a lot of prompting to speak French at home. The Dec 16 game night got him excited to play! Merci”
  • “Great idea. We would love to see more in 2021. I hope all Zoom events last beyond the pandemic. Zoom has allowed us to attend more CPF events than ever before. Nice to have provinces join together for common events. Merci!”
  • “I think these game nights are a great family activity!”

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