NLTA Second Languages Council x CPF: Les Rencontres Professionelles

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Les Rencontres Professionelles is a live webinar series running from January to May 2024, that features professionals from around the globe sharing about their careers and home countries in French!

Featured presenters spanning from a wide variety of career paths will engage attendees by highlighting how French-English bilingualism has impacted their personal and professional lives, which will be followed by an interactive Q&A session. We invite all French classes (grade 7 to 12) to join and learn more about how bilingualism has opened pathways and benefitted the careers of our presenters!

Session #5

Date: Thursday, May 28, 2024 / jeudi, 28 mai, 2024

Time: 10:00-11:00 AM NST (8:30-9:30 AM EST) / 10h00 – 11h00 HNT (08h30-09h30 HNE)

Platform: Zoom link to be provided / lien Zoom à fournir



Originally from a small town on the North shore of Montreal in Québec, Stacey has always been immersed in a bilingual environment. During her university studies, she transferred from Montreal to Newfoundland to attend Memorial University in St. John’s, where she studied Marine Biology and Mathematics. After 8 years in Newfoundland & Labrador, she moved across the country to Comox, BC on Vancouver Island! She currently works as a conservation biologist for the federal government. She has worked on both the East and West coasts where French is an essential part of her work, both in her everyday tasks and in her volunteering that she does with the department, which includes helping lead a national interdepartmental language program to promote the French language from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

Originaire d’une petite ville de la rive nord de Montréal, au Québec, Stacey a toujours baigné dans un environnement bilingue. Pendant ses études universitaires, elle a quitté Montréal pour Terre-Neuve afin de fréquenter l’université Memorial de St. John’s, où elle a étudié la biologie marine et les mathématiques. Après huit ans passés à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, elle a traversé le pays pour s’installer à Comox, en Colombie-Britannique, sur l’île de Vancouver! Elle travaille actuellement comme biologiste de la conservation pour le gouvernement fédéral. Elle a travaillé sur les côtes Est et Ouest, où le français est un élément essentiel de son travail, tant dans ses tâches quotidiennes que dans le bénévolat qu’elle fait au sein du ministère, notamment en aidant à diriger un programme linguistique interministériel national visant à promouvoir la langue française d’un océan à l’autre.

This program is jointly funded by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and by the Government of Canada / Ce programme est financé conjointement par le gouvernement de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador et par le gouvernement du Canada

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