Virtual Bilingual Story Time with Cassandra

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Join Bilingual Reader Cassandra for a Virtual Story time Session on Thursday, March 16th at 5:30pm EST.

Participants will listen to a story about Ottawa as well as another French Story and learn about the Bilingualism that exists all around us.

PDF/virtual access to the books read as well as other recommended stories will be emailed to all participants following the session. There will be opportunities to ask questions as well a creative drawing activity so please tune in with some paper and crayons or pencils. The content is most appropriate for ages 3-10, but all are welcome to listen to these fantastic stories. Participants will receive a zoom link by email prior to the event. Register for free now!

Please email with any questions or concerns pertaining to the event.

Message from Cassandra: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Cassandra. Présentement, je suis en onzième année. J’ai appris le français quand j’avais 4 ans et j’ai fréquenté une école française de la maternelle jusqu’à la huitième année. J’adore faire de la lecture et regarder la télé avec mon chat et mon chien durant mon temps libre. 

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