It takes a village to raise a child. We need your help!

CPF’s donors play a critical role in the work that we do. 

With their generous support we are able to focus on: 

  • offering more French learning opportunities to young people;
  • advocating on behalf of universal access to FSL education in communities across Canada; and
  • supporting linguistic duality by making English and French integral parts of daily life.

To continue with this important work, we need your help!


CPF will provide a tax receipt for any donation over $20.00. Receipts will be sent in January of the follow year. CPF Charitable Reg No. 11883 5131 RR0001

Fundraising 'avec Panache' A Strategy for Success

Serving on a CPF Board of Directors has its privileges and responsibilities. Our volunteer leaders help direct the course of action for our organizational Network by sharing stories of our CPF impact, and helping create a culture of joyful philanthropy. 

Download our Network Board of Directors Guide to Fundraising ‘avec Panache’ for a strategy to success, another important way of advocating on behalf of FSL learners and programs. 

Help Build Canada's Bilingual Future!

Your support will help a young person learn French. 

There are several funds at CPF which you can designate your donation to: 

Mary Joyce Booth Fund

Dr. Mary Joyce Booth was an FSL educator and lifelong supporter of CPF. Her passion and commitment during her career changed the lives of so many young Canadians. 

As a teacher, Mary Joyce dedicated her career to giving young people the chance to learn and use French. At the end of her life, Mary Joyce made a generous gift to CPF. Her endowment is now known as the Mary Joyce Booth Fund – More French S.V.P! which provides an opportunity for young Canadians to learn French. 

Since 2010, the fund has supported projects that directly benefit youth like summer camp registrations, exchanges, socio-cultural programming and youth scholarships.