- FAQS -

Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Questions

CPF wants to make our services easily accessible to all parents and caregivers across Canada, without any financial barriers. Increased membership and participation are key to delivering our mandate. By offering free membership, we hope to reach a wider audience and provide valuable resources to more families and educators across Canada.

At Canadian Parents for French, we value member engagement and recognize that we need a large membership base in order to grow, in order to offer more programming, in order to be accessible across the country, and in order to continue our advocacy work. We have made the process to join easier online and free.

If you are a parent, caregiver or educator who wishes to access French resources and support, you can sign up for a free individual membership here — it’s fast and one easy step. 

If you are an organization such as a school, school board, educational management firm or french language supporter you can become a partner for $60/year here.  

If you would like to learn more about becoming a partner organization you can email cpf@cpf.ca and we can connect with you to discuss your needs and any requirements, which are often different from organization to organization. 

No, membership will be renewed annually to ensure we have your up-to-date contact details and your permission to contact you by email. 

Being a member of CPF means you will receive advanced notice of Events and Programming as well as access to the resources you currently use, we’ve highlighted a few here.

  • an event calendar of what’s happening across Canada with easy registration
  • resources for families of children in early school years through French Footprints
  • resources for families and learners in a French Second Language (FSL) program please check out the Resource pages for all school years

When you join and become a member, you will enjoy the benefits you previously enjoyed (such as early access to events, programming and resources). Visit our member benefits, and resources pages to learn more about what’s available to you!

Yes, early access to events, programming, and resources is a key membership benefit.  Members will be notified by newsletter and or email about new resources and events . Visit our member benefits and resources pages to learn more about what’s available to you!

Yes. We are coordinating additional member discounts with our partners. Check out this page for the most up-to-date information on the discounts that we offer!

Membership will continue to be a requirement for events and tutoring supported by the National Office. Membership as a requirement for provincial events will be at the discretion of the local CPF Branch and will be indicated in the event description. As membership is free to join we hope you will join to ensure that participants are part of the CPF community.

Yes, CPF requires membership to participate in Family French camps and all other summer camps. Membership ensures that participants are part of the CPF community.

Membership is required to participate in our Concours d’art oratoire. Membership ensures that participants are part of the CPF community.

Change in Member Benefits

No, memberships to CPF are free for parents, families, educators, and any individual who would like to join our movement. As a registered charity and not-for-profit organization, we would ask you to consider a donation to support Canadian Parents for French. 

Help us Make a Difference: More French SVP! Please visit our donation page.

CPF no longer offers family memberships as there is no fee and no need to offer a discounted family bundle. We encourage each and every member in your family or household to join CPF for free – it’s fast and one easy step. 

Join here. 

Yes, membership is free for all individuals, including teachers, tutors, and educators. We encourage new members to join and refer colleagues to get their own free membership so they can stay up-to-date on activities, programs, and resources. It’s free, fast, and one easy step.

Membership Renewals

Membership will be automatically renewed annually beginning in June 2025

Generally, members will receive an email approximately two weeks before the auto-renewal date where they can:

  • opt into membership and provide their expressed consent to receive emails and promotional communications from CPF; or
  • decline membership by responding no and opting out.

The annual membership cycle will align with the school year cycle. Starting in June 2025, which corresponds with the end of the current school year and the promotion of students into the next grade, renewal communications will be emailed to all members.  Follow-up email communication will happen over the summer, so membership is in place for the start of the school year in September. 

New members can join at any time throughout the year, as they learn about CPF, its events, and programming.

Memberships will be auto-renewed annually by CPF National office. Members will receive an email approximately two weeks before the membership is renewed to opt out of membership and to confirm their consent to receive communications from CPF.

Support CPF and Local Chapters

As a non-profit organization, we can’t do what we do without your support. We welcome your support as a member, as a donor, as a volunteer and we encourage you to participate in our programs and advocacy work.

Become a Member:  Join our network and get FSL resources, support, and insider info only available to members.  Join here

Donate:  When you give, you make a positive impact on the lives of Canadian youth. You can make your donation to support national work, or support your provincial branch, or a combination of both; you can choose to make a monthly donation or a one-time donation. We make it easy to donate monthly as a little each month goes a long way to sustaining your support for the work we do. Please visit our donation page.

Volunteer: We’re always looking for new volunteers who are ready to help young people learn and use French. To learn more about volunteering, please visit our website to learn more or you can head directly to our Volunteer intake form to get started right away. At CPF we work with Better Impact, a leading, specialty organization for volunteer registration and best practices

Subscribe to one of our e-newsletters to stay up to date on what is happening at CPF National and at your provincial/territorial branch. Click here to subscribe

Associate Partner Organizations

Organizations are partners and sponsors, which is a different relationship to an individual membership. We provide membership to individuals including parents, students, caregivers, family members, educators, and advocates for French language learning, as our resources are for use in learning French, providing experiences using and exploring French, programming to support learning for students, for the parents and caregivers of learners and providing resources for educators. 

If you are an organization such as a school, school board, educational management firm or french language supporter you can become a partner for $60/year here.  

Organizations have a different use and method of accessing CPF’s services and benefits. As a not-for-profit organization and registered charity, CPF values and relies on the partnership and sponsorship of organizations and corporations in bringing CPF’s mandate to their constituents which may include employees, members, clients, affiliations, networks, and other community and professional circles. 

Partnerships and sponsorships are critical for collaboration to achieve both CPF’s and your organization’s unique and shared goals, promoting French-second language learning, use, and success across Canada.

Benefits include:

  • Subscription to our quarterly CPF Magazine which can be shared electronically throughout your organization.
  • Early notification of events and programming that you can share throughout your organization.
  • Possible collaboration on projects
  • Access to shared communities of members
  • Discounted rates for advertising and promotions on our website and any events.


Are you ready to Join?

Individual Memberships

Calling all caregivers, parents, educators and advocates; if you want access to low-cost community events and French language learning resources then join our community of like-minded individuals for free today! 

Associate Partner Organization (APO)

Becoming an Associate Partner Organization – for only $60 per year – gives you access to the latest research-based information and exclusive CPF programming! Schools and organizations can join our cause today.