By incorporating French into family activities, parents demonstrate that learning new things is fun and can be shared as a family. Having an open attitude and practicing together is all that is required for being successful in learning French.

Parents can read about French second language learning programs available in their area on school board websites. Introducing some French at home can be very helpful your child’s transition to school. Visiting the public library and selecting a French book as well as an English book, or choosing to stay for French story time can be a wonderful way to introduce the new language into your family’s experiences. Then watching French TV shows or listening to French music together as a family can expand your child’s French cultural understanding.

We don’t have to tell parents how important bedtime routines can be! CPF has partnered with LEARN to create the French Goodnight Bag, a bedtime routine kit for children aged 3 to 5 and their families to help with their transition to school when they will be introduced to French, most likely for the first time. It supports early childhood learning by developing language and literacy skills in a fun way. It also provides tools and information to introduce French into your regular family activities and healthy lifestyle. In each Goodnight Bag you’ll find a:

  • French Storybook
  • French Activity Booklet
  • Colouring Book
  • Handmade Softy Hand Puppet
  • Bookmark
  • And more!


CPF advocates for youth learning French as a second language to have access to and participate in French language activities, services and community spaces as part of their daily life – this includes from early childhood, in K-12 school and post-secondary settings right into their working and career life.

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