If you’re the parent of a young child, you know a good bedtime routine is imperative.

That’s why CPF created an awesome new resource for families who have children aged 3-5 years old. We combined learning French with a bedtime routine to bring you the CPF Goodnight Bag!

The Goodnight Bag contains helpful and fun resources to help your child make the transition to school when they will be introduced to French, perhaps for the first time. The bag includes:

  • bilingual bedtime routine checklist
  • French storybook
  • bilingual activity and colouring books
  • a guide for family French activities to do in Ottawa
  • a handcrafted, eco-friendly puppet made in Canada
  • and more!

As a pilot project, we delivered 150 Goodnight Bags to the Military Family Resource in the National Capital Region.

Our hope is to create more Goodnight Bags and distribute them to schools, families, and family resource centres across Canada (with resources specific to your region!)

The Goodnight Bag can be purchased on our online store HERE. Please note that due to current stay-at-home orders, delivery of your Goodnight Bag may be delayed.

If you have any questions regarding the Goodnight Bag, you can contact Eric Ibey at CPF who will be happy to discuss it with you:

Eric Ibey — eibey@cpf.ca

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