“So what’s the difference between core French and extended French programs?”

“What does ENTRY POINTS mean – as in, early, middle and late entry for French immersion programs? Does it make a difference as to how bilingual my child will be at graduation?”

Are you feeling overwhelmed about all of the different French as a second language (FSL) program options? Not sure which one to enrol your child in?

We know you’re making important decisions for your child and for your family’s bilingual future, so don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

To help you out, CPF Branches and Chapters have been offering local workshops and information sessions to parents for almost 40 years. These sessions will help you gain realistic expectations surrounding time commitments, intensity/level of French and teaching approaches. And we promise – you’ll leave these sessions confident that you have what it takes to find the best FSL program for your child!

Did you know that programs vary by province, territory and even local school board?

To ensure you’re making the right decisions for your young learner early on in their educational journey, ask your local CPF Chapter if they offer “French Immersion Kindergarten Information Sessions” at your child’s school. It’s best to be fully informed before those registration deadlines start looming!

Contact your CPF Branch or Chapter to request an information session at your school so you and other parents can make the right decisions for your families!

Using Technology to Support Your FSL Learner

Did you miss the either of our session in our information series with Tia Parnell? It’s not too late to tune in to this exclusive event for CPF Members! Simply log in to our website, and download the link below.

These resources may also be helpful:

Are you visiting our website for the first time? Please feel free to peruse an excerpt of “Helping Your Child Become Bilingual”. 

Are you a member? Please sign in to download the full document. 

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