In 1977, Keith Spicer was serving as Canada’s first-ever Commissioner of Official Languages. Interested in the bilingualism of Canada’s youth, he met with groups of parents across Canada who wanted their children to learn French as a second language (FSL) but who ran into roadblocks at the local school boards.

To get the ball rolling, Mr. Spicer offered to find some seed money—enough to organize a national conference of like-minded parents. The result was an event called “Parents’ Conference on French Language and Exchange Opportunities,” which took place in Ottawa in March of 1977. It was during this weekend-long conference that Canadian Parents for French was officially founded as a volunteer-based advocacy group, a collective of parents who wanted to ensure that children would have the opportunity to become bilingual in the Canadian school system.

The first conference determined a few things that are fundamental to the history of CPF. The group outlined its goals and elected its first National Board of Directors, led by inaugural president Pat Webster of Ontario. Her fellow directors were Judith Madley (British Columbia), David Sanders (Prairie Region), Elizabeth Annesley (Quebec), and Mary Lou Morrison (Atlantic Region).

This original small group of concerned parents who met in Ottawa over 40 years ago has evolved into a proactive national network with 12 Branches and Offices and some 150 Chapters in communities coast to coast to coast.

CPF Milestones

Come with us on a journey through time! Discover the beginnings of Canadian Parents for French, learn about our leading accomplishments over the last 40+ years, and follow the winding road of our quest to change the face of education in Canada. 



Save French in New Brunswick

In the Fall of 2022, the Government of New Brunswick is consulting New Brunswickers on ways to improve the French Immersion and French Second Language programs in the province. CPF NB is concerned with their approach and limited details and […]

Canadian Parents for French Recognizes Teachers’ Leadership in Transforming Education

Ottawa, October 5, 2022 — Canadian Parents for French would like to acknowledge and thank teachers across Canada as we observe World Teachers’ Day 2022. This year’s theme as co-convened by UNESCO, UNICEF, Education International and the International Labour Organization […]

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In honour of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Canadian Parents for French is encouraging our members and their families to wear orange to recognize and commemorate the tragic history and ongoing legacy of residential schools, and to honour their survivors, their families and communities. Please see our information sheet for ways we can all mark the day.

Support Bill C-13: An act to amend the Official Languages Act

Bill C-13 is the first major reform to the OLA in more than 30 years and we simply cannot delay its adoption any longer. Bill C-13 recognizes that all Canadians should have the opportunity to learn both official languages as well as recognizing the importance of learning the second official language for all those who call Canada home. Voice your support by sending the letter below to your local Member of Parliament.

CPF Virtual Member Conference 2022: FRENCH – MORE THAN WORDS!

Connect, engage, be inspired! The 2022 CPF Virtual Member Conference “FRENCH - MORE THAN WORDS!” is an exciting opportunity offered exclusively to CPF members! 

Canadian Parents for French Announces Recipients of the CPF Awards of Recognition 2022

Canadian Parents for French conferred the CPF Awards of Recognition 2022 to three individuals that have rendered significant service to the organization.

Canadian Parents for French Shares National Board of Directors Election Results 2022

Canadian Parents for French announced the election of Ms. Salma Al-Saquaf to the National Board of Directors and the re-election of Derrek Bentley and Kate Peters as President and Vice-President

Stop the cuts to Early French Immersion at Sacred Heart Academy

The Ministry of Education in Newfoundland & Labrador decided to end French immersion for Kindergarten students at Sacred Heart Academy. This decision represents yet another cut to French language education across rural Newfoundland and Labrador. Having fair and equitable acess to bilingual programming should not just be for students who live in large urban areas. 

Winning Words: Canadian Parents for French Concours d’art oratoire National Final Winners 2022 Announced

We are pleased to announce the national finalists of the 2022 French public speaking contest, Concours d’art oratoire.

Announcing the Winners of the 2022 Concours d’art Oratoire National Finals

Canadian Parents for French is pleased to announce the 15 winners of the 2022 national finals of Concours d'art oratoire and to share their winning videos with you. Concours d'art oratoire is a great opportunity for students to showcase their French-speaking abilities.

Come with us on a journey through time!  Discover the beginnings of Canadian Parents for French, learn about our leading accomplishments over the last 40+ years, and follow the winding road of our quest to change the face of education in Canada

Click Here to View CPF Milestones

CPF recognizes individuals who have rendered significant service to the organization and who have demonstrated leadership in the advancement of French second language education. 


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